CODEPINK’s Newsletter
Episode 106: The Power of the Congressional Progressive Caucus & the Link Between Militarism and the Climate Crisis.

Episode 106: The Power of the Congressional Progressive Caucus & the Link Between Militarism and the Climate Crisis.

In this episode, Marcy Winograd, coordinator of CODEPINK Congress, features Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal (D-WA), Chair of the 94-member Congressional Progressive Caucus, who discusses victories and challenges for progressives seeking to demilitarize foreign and domestic policies. Next, we turn to plans for climate activism here in the U.S. and abroad for November's UN Climate Conference (COP26) in Glasgow, Scotland. CODEPINK will join others in demanding the 197 participating nations require countries to report and reduce their military greenhouse gas emissions. Finally, thoughts on how peace activists can mobilize during the Congressional August recess for a reduced military budget.

CODEPINK’s Newsletter
Join the antiwar group CODEPINK for our weekly radio show every Thursday! Each week features a different CODEPINK organizer hosting robust conversations with grassroots peacemakers all over the world from Korea to Yemen to Venezuela to Iran and beyond. Tune in to get weekly updates on the global antiwar movement and learn all about peacemakers in communities worldwide confronting warhawks wherever they may find them.