CODEPINK’s Newsletter
Episode 33 - How to Cultivate a Local Peace Economy During Coronavirus

Episode 33 - How to Cultivate a Local Peace Economy During Coronavirus

Jodie Evans is this week's host! She is the co-founder of CODEPINK and called in from her home in Venice joined by Ariel Gold and Kenneth Bailey. Jodie discusses how we can cultivate local peace economies in the time of the coronavirus. Ariel reports on the situations in the Middle East with the pandemic and what actions you can take with CODEPINK to demand peace and justice. Kenneth Bailey from Design Studio for Social Innovation shares how they are creating local peace economies within their areas.

CODEPINK’s Newsletter
Join the antiwar group CODEPINK for our weekly radio show every Thursday! Each week features a different CODEPINK organizer hosting robust conversations with grassroots peacemakers all over the world from Korea to Yemen to Venezuela to Iran and beyond. Tune in to get weekly updates on the global antiwar movement and learn all about peacemakers in communities worldwide confronting warhawks wherever they may find them.