It is crucial that this very intelligently stated conversation is actively promoted across multiple social media platforms.
I did find the term Pinkwashing a bit obstructive and confusing, though. Pink has been employed in the women’s movement and also carries remnants of the Red-Scare McCarthyism slur “Pinko-Commies.” Just put your Learned Experience out there for what it is, Gay Washing.
Your Testimony holds the Potential of a Great UNIFYING POWER because such FRAUDulent MisRepresentation is, unfortunately, so HIGHLY RELATABLE in its familiarity to Westerners, through our nations’ treatment of Black, Poor, Homeless and Refugee Peoples ~ and the insidious indoctrination that Our very Collective “democracy” and “Freedom” are FUNDAMENTALLY Dependent upon criminalizing and imprisoning these “dregs of society” who are “Lucky” if WE even tolerate knowledge of their existence, much less throw Crumbs at them, like a Juneteenth Holiday/Parade v. Defunding AT-WILL Extrajudicial MURDERS by Militarized & Racist Police ~ who, not so coincidentally, are ALSO “TRAINED” by RabidlyRacist IsraeliMurderers
The Engineered Dual Distraction of their Patronizing “Acknowledgements” dismissively MOCKS Westerners’ Intelligence, by declaring the Acknowledgement “compassion” as much as it dismissively mocks the very existence of VICTIMS of their UnAcknowleged Governing SYSTEM of HumanSacrifice, ALSO controlled by DCs ZioNazi Predatory InsiderTrader WEALTH $$upremacy and their “Garden of The Rule of Law” which, NEVER FORGET, is created ~ like International Law & Courts ~ to ONLY be applied to their Victims but never to Them. Though, ostensibly, according to their Exceptionalism MYTH, “NO One is Above The Law.”
Intentional Confusion, Divisive Chaos and Raw Fear are the critical energy sources, required to sustain the perpetuation of their TotalitarianFascist Power.
It is crucial that this very intelligently stated conversation is actively promoted across multiple social media platforms.
I did find the term Pinkwashing a bit obstructive and confusing, though. Pink has been employed in the women’s movement and also carries remnants of the Red-Scare McCarthyism slur “Pinko-Commies.” Just put your Learned Experience out there for what it is, Gay Washing.
Your Testimony holds the Potential of a Great UNIFYING POWER because such FRAUDulent MisRepresentation is, unfortunately, so HIGHLY RELATABLE in its familiarity to Westerners, through our nations’ treatment of Black, Poor, Homeless and Refugee Peoples ~ and the insidious indoctrination that Our very Collective “democracy” and “Freedom” are FUNDAMENTALLY Dependent upon criminalizing and imprisoning these “dregs of society” who are “Lucky” if WE even tolerate knowledge of their existence, much less throw Crumbs at them, like a Juneteenth Holiday/Parade v. Defunding AT-WILL Extrajudicial MURDERS by Militarized & Racist Police ~ who, not so coincidentally, are ALSO “TRAINED” by RabidlyRacist IsraeliMurderers
The Engineered Dual Distraction of their Patronizing “Acknowledgements” dismissively MOCKS Westerners’ Intelligence, by declaring the Acknowledgement “compassion” as much as it dismissively mocks the very existence of VICTIMS of their UnAcknowleged Governing SYSTEM of HumanSacrifice, ALSO controlled by DCs ZioNazi Predatory InsiderTrader WEALTH $$upremacy and their “Garden of The Rule of Law” which, NEVER FORGET, is created ~ like International Law & Courts ~ to ONLY be applied to their Victims but never to Them. Though, ostensibly, according to their Exceptionalism MYTH, “NO One is Above The Law.”
Intentional Confusion, Divisive Chaos and Raw Fear are the critical energy sources, required to sustain the perpetuation of their TotalitarianFascist Power.