Listen to CODEPINK Congress (11/16/21) with Bernadette Demientieff, Executive Director of the Gwich'in Steering Committee in Alaska, sharing the indigenous nation's victories in convincing banks not to loan money for oil drilling on ancestral lands-also Boston University Professor Neta Crawford on the importance of avoiding the term "national security threat" when talking about the climate crisis because such terminology validates further US military aggression, and CODEPINK Co-founder Jodie Evans, who traveled with CODEPINK peacebuilders Nancy Mancias and Suzie Gilbert to Glasgow to march in the streets with an estimated hundred thousand, if not more, activists demanding climate justice (reparations for the Global South) and inclusion of militarism reporting and accountability in UN climate agreements.
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Episode 119: Voices From COP26 to the Arctic!
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Listen to CODEPINK Congress (11/16/21) with Bernadette Demientieff, Executive Director of the Gwich'in Steering Committee in Alaska, sharing the indigenous nation's victories in convincing banks not to loan money for oil drilling on ancestral lands-also Boston University Professor Neta Crawford on the importance of avoiding the term "national security threat" when talking about the climate crisis because such terminology validates further US military aggression, and CODEPINK Co-founder Jodie Evans, who traveled with CODEPINK peacebuilders Nancy Mancias and Suzie Gilbert to Glasgow to march in the streets with an estimated hundred thousand, if not more, activists demanding climate justice (reparations for the Global South) and inclusion of militarism reporting and accountability in UN climate agreements.