Boycott Lyft!

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Well, I won’t be using them anymore! Will also try to let the company know.

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Edit: Nevermind they reactivated his account apparently

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Zionists are MONSTERS.

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Fired for discrimination against what... apartheid.

Oh, the irony.

Lyft, you stink. Support your drivers. Don't support apartheid.

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He was reinstated. Good work everyone!

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So glad to hear that they gave him his job back!

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Boycott Lyft!

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Ride hailing services corporations are run by Criminals & Thieves just dying for robot cars so they can FIRE ALL DRIVERS/ eliminate all all human interaction on which their business model is based to acheive their ideal relationship: faceless corporation to customer credit account.

It's a miracle any driver "dedicated to the love of humanity, bringing peace to the world", or 5 stars for "friendliness" escaped Lyft's detection for 8 years; it's obviously 180 degrees out-of-sync with their dehumanized driverless service ideal: as warm & cuddly as a 1-WAY RIDE IN THE BACK OF A POLICE CRUISER.

SERGEI! DRIVE A REGULAR TAXI! In the past, I've hired a cab on long layovers to take me to a green park or a short-order place nearby for better-than-airport-food just to get my ear to the ground/ get the Whazzup? from the cabbie.

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“Words are violence” in this dystopian autocracy, don'tya know. Was one of the complainants AOC?

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Code Pink: an organization that condones and justifies rape under certain political circumstances. Be ashamed.

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Ymg: a spammer who attacks anyone who tell the truth about Zionism. Block 🚫!

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