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In 1979, same time period the people of Iran evicted USA appointed Shah of Iran,

I was in a new recovery group ACOA,

And we compared elected officials to dysfunctional parents

As they became hysterical about oil and fossil fuels .

Clinton while Governor of Arkansas into drug trading

And no coincidence AIDS

Affecting gay and lesbian community was started .

One in our group who was gay contacted AIDS, which I’m 1979 was an unknown , rare incurable disease .

Same time period Benjamin Netanyahu began Jerusalem Conference on International Terrorism

With Israeli militants

And George Bush St.

My communications daily since 9/11/91

And from my understanding regard 1991 when Russia was hurt

And Bush and others wavted to be world superpower by military force.

Military force is violating USA Constitution, Bill of Rights , Human Rights , international , Biblicak and environmental safety laws .

My first teacher , Ralph Nader —- environmental safety ; crimes by profit seeking corporations.

Thanks for your professional healing outreach .

We shall overcome.

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