It always has been. The US has always tried to seek its own way of diplomacy, which is a fancy word for bullying, when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
A Member of the United Nations against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by the Security Council may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. The exercise of these rights and privileges may be restored by the Security Council.
Article 6
A Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.
Code Pink: an organization that condones and justifies rape under certain political circumstances.
It always has been. The US has always tried to seek its own way of diplomacy, which is a fancy word for bullying, when it comes to the Israel-Palestine conflict.
United Nations Charter, Chapter II:
Article 5
A Member of the United Nations against which preventive or enforcement action has been taken by the Security Council may be suspended from the exercise of the rights and privileges of membership by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. The exercise of these rights and privileges may be restored by the Security Council.
Article 6
A Member of the United Nations which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council.