Sitemap - 2024 - CODEPINK’s Newsletter

My Takeaway from Protesting War Criminal Netanyahu

A Standing Ovation

More Security for Genocide Netanyahu’s Trip to Washington, DC than for 32 Heads of State for NATO Meeting

CODEPINK Intervention Week: Targeting AIPAC Bought Ritchie Torres, Hakeem Jeffries, and Gregory Meeks

Ten Reasons Why Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Should Not Address Congress

NATO’s Obscure Relations With Israel

Rep. Jim Himes Chooses AIPAC Over Constituent Concerns

Drivers Against Genocide

Congressman Van Orden’s False Battery Accusations Against CODEPINK Member Leads to Death Threat

CODEPINK's Palestinian-American Staff Member ARRESTED on False Accusation of Assault by Member of Congress

Exposing the Hypocrisy and Crimes of the Pro-Israeli Charities

Questions About Biden’s Capacity to Lead Should Also Be Directed At NATO

Lessons From Our Local Peace Economy Journeys

Inside China-Focused Congressional Hearings, Panic, Paranoia, and Hypocrisy Reign

Peace Activists Sent Message to Julian Assange With Golden Gate Bridge Banner Drop

Venezuela's María Corina Machado: What the Mainstream Media Isn't Saying

What We Mean When We Say Zionism Is Buying Our Democracy

Independence Day For Who? U.S. Intervention In Haiti and Bolivia

Confronting NATO's War Summit in Washington

War Is Not A Game

From Palestine to Ukraine: Featuring Vijay Prashad

Does Canada uphold binding international law? The answer is No.

Lyft Driver Fired Over “U.S. Jews Say Ceasefire” Sign In His Car

Dissecting Israeli Pinkwashing and PR Campaigns

U.S. Representative Hides From His Constituents In A Bar's Kitchen

Forgotten Victims of the Gaza War: Environment and Climate

We were called “Terrorists” and Forcibly Ejected by Police from Congressional Baseball Game

The United States Is the Main Obstacle to Peace in Palestine

What We Learned Trying To Stop War With China

The Crisis in Haiti is the Result of Racist Colonialism

They’re Arresting the Wrong People Inside of Congress

Nationwide "Red Line" Protests Marked Eight Months of US-Israeli Genocide in Gaza

No Pride In Genocide!

Anguish, Everything All At Once, Enough

Representative Norma Torres Constituents Demand Accountability Over Her Support of Ongoing Genocide In Gaza

Jimmy Kimmel Live Forced to Re-Film Show After Kamala Harris Disrupted

Reflecting On My Hunger Strike for Gaza

Mother Nature Makes a Mockery of the US Military’s $320 Million Pier in Gaza

Scorched Earth

Gaza is Our Human Responsibility: 14 Years Since the Gaza Flotilla Raid

People's Conference for Palestine + All Eyes On Rafah

American Nurse on Hunger Strike for Gaza

Mapping the Parallels of US Conflict: From Vietnam to the War on China

UCSB Encampment Win: Disclosure of Military Contracts

Why Did The U.S. Spend $320 million on a Rube Goldberg Pier For Gaza?

No Justice Under Normalization: The Trouble with the ICC Warrants

PBS Continues It’s Not So Known War on the Poor

War is Weaponized Confusion

Is it so Un-American to care?

Grandmothers and Mothers Unite for an End to the Genocide

Reflections from the Popular University for Gaza at UMich

When The Tents Go Down…

F*** You, We Aren’t Leaving

To UCLA students: Get back up and keep going-we will be right there with you! CODEPINK

US vs. China: Who Really Stands for Peace?

We are here whether we like it or not.

The Gaza Flotilla Sails While Blinken Attempts to Take Focus from Israeli/US Genocide of Gaza to China

200 Days

Vice President Harris’ Support for Women Should Include Women in Cuba

Earth Day 2024: Unveiling the Ecological Toll of War and Genocide

CODEPINK Protests at German Diplomatic Missions: STOP US & German arms for Israel’s Genocide!

A Story Untold

Easter Joy Amidst Gaza’s Despair: Contrasting Realities

Unveiling the Strings of Political Puppetry

My mother’s death taught me life: reflections on grief and Gaza

Challenging Congressional Ignorance

We Will Never Forget Refaat

Free TikTok! Save TikTok!

Our Campaign Against the Discharge Petition

Peace Activists Across the Country Say Reproductive Justice Starts With a Ceasefire Now!

We Need Feminism Without Condescension

Why should Fargo, North Dakota Care about Gaza?

State of the Union: War and Genocide Are Still the American Way

When will we stop fueling an endless cycle of hatred and violence?

Why Would Anyone Kill One’s Self In an Attempt to Stop A War?

After Two Years of War in Ukraine, It’s Time for Peace

How Nations Could End Israeli Genocide: Stop the Weapons; Stop the Oil; Stop the Tech

We Gave Congress a New Heart

To Palestine, With Love

We Made Nancy Pelosi Mad Again…

Nancy Pelosi, Brian Mast, & All the Warmongers We Upset

UNRWA Saves Palestinian Lives; Save UNRWA

Redefining US-Latin American Relations: From Outdated Monroe Doctrine to a 21st Century Good Neighbor Policy

Statement Regarding Nancy Pelosi's Slanderous Allegations

CODEPINK Statement On ICJ Ruling Against Israel

Behind Closed Doors

The Silence of Kamala Harris

Legal Uprising: Over 1700 Legal Minds Urge American Bar Association to Shield Palestine Advocates from Blackballing and Harassment

Over 400,000 Show Up For Gaza in DC

“The World Should Be Ashamed”

As US Backs Gaza Genocide, ‘Grassroots Diplomats’ Rally Support for South Africa Case